Transfer your fund fast and affordably between Turkiye, Tanzania, Kenya,Nigeria and Ghana


"ıf not ese what else"

All payments are done by approximating figure above in its nearest hundreds in Tanzanian shillings and approximates in its nearest ones in Turkish Lira

the best way so far to transfer fund between tanzanıa and turkıye wıth best exchange rate of google rate

Number of Transaction
Completion rate
Number of countries
10 %



May 20, 2024

Ningelikua mm ni wewe, nisingeeka idadi ya transactions mlizofanya pamoja na kiasi kilichotumwa i.e., 2000+ transactions and $50,000.

Hii inaonesha kwamba on avg mnatuma $25/transaction which is really low to gain people’s trust on the platform. For marketing purposes weka KPI moja tu on the website mpk mfike kwangi cha juu ya $x per transaction otherwise mnajiharibia biashara.

Mimi ni mswaili ambae nimeshatumia sana apps za kutuma fedha, na baada ya kuona hii website tu. Nimejua kwamba ni beginners. Sio kwa ubaya ila marketing inabidi mjipaishe.


Response from ESE MONEY

Ahsante kwa mrejesho wako mzuri. Hizo Figure hususan za volume ziliachwa low lakin exactly volume yetu ya miamala kwa mwaka ni kubwa sana. Tumependa sana maoni yako na hili lisimchanganye mtumiaji mpya tumeondoa maana ilikua sehemu pia ya marketing strategy. Mchango wako umekua na thamani sana. Endelea kucomment na kureview huduma yetu mara kwa mara

i need to send money

November 26, 2023

i need to send money to my family

suleiman faki abdallah

Good service

November 12, 2023

trustworthy company.



October 3, 2023

The services conducted in this platform are fast,easily accessible,very transparent and trustworthy company.

Grace Charles


September 12, 2023

Getting to know everything about my transaction even before making it is wonderful. great works team and your website is just simple to make things clear


ese servıce
ıf not ese what else

ese frıends

Refer our services to your friend and get 10-20% of fees charged from the first transaction starting from TL 10000

ese west

Send money From Tanzania or Turkiye to Nigeria and Ghana at very affordable fee ranging from 1% to 3%

ese pay

Order your products from your supplier and send money with ESE to pay your supplier


Send money to Türkiye with ESE and buy different products with ESE team assistance

how ese money works ın ıts market place


We receive money from all mobile companies.

We receive money from CRDB bank.

We send money directly to All mobile number except Halopesa only.

We send money to CRDB and ACB bank.

Every transaction takes 5 to 25 minutes only to be completed


We receive money from all Banks in Turkiye

We send money to All Banks in Turkiye

We offer Dollar delivery services for Dollar customers in Istanbul

Every transaction take 5 to 25 mınites only to be completed

KENYA and uganda

Send money to Türkiye with ESE and buy different products with ESE team assistance

ghana and nıgerıa

Send money to Ghana and Nigeria directly from Turkiye and Tanzania.
Receiver gets funds through local means of payment of particular country and directly in their local currencies.

how much you could save wıth ese compare to other servıce

Let's transfer your money

ESE MONEY is the best way of transferring money between Turkiye, Tanzania, and Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria and Ghana so far. 

Why Choose Our Services


ESE MONEY charges 1% up to 3% only of any amount of money that you send starting from $5 to $100,000


We complete your transaction within 5 to 20 minutes

trustworhty and transparency

ESE MONEY uses Google exchange rate in currency conversion. No, rate manipulation or hidden transfer costs.
Working with the trustworthy team to manage all of your transaction of any amount

servıce sımplıcıty

We send and receive money from all means of local payments in countries of ESE Market places

sendıng money ıs no longer problem and stressful

ese money

Transfer your money between Turkiye, Tanzania, and Kenya fast, secure and safe way.